Promotional Time

This week I've been concentrating on promoting the business. I've designed leaflets for leaving in tourist offices, hotels etc. Sent the order to the printers and should have them by the end of the week. I've also contacted 14 local hotels to offer an exclusive hoteliers walking tour in 2 weeks time, my thoughts being that I can't expect them to suggest our services without really knowing what we offer. I hope between this, trip advisor and visit scotland that our name and services will become better known.
Got a few photos shoots coming up in the next few weeks, a day at Knockhill with the racing motorbikes, a day out shooting wildlife testing a 150-600 mm lens,  hire before buying! All followed with a wildlife photo shoot over 3 days in Mull, hope to capture white tailed sea eagles, golden eagles, otters, amongst many others. Watch this space for results!!


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